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Not only was Jake an excellent student in high school, but he in sports as well؟ 

حل سؤالك Not only was Jake an excellent student in high school, but he in sports as well وإظهار النتيجة في موقع "علم السؤال"

احصل على حلول مفصلة للأسئلة المدرسية وأوراق العمل والاختبارات، مع شرح مفصل للخطوات والمفاهيم الأساسية.

Not only was Jake an excellent student in high school, but he in sports as well؟ 

الإجابة الصحيحة هي:


Not only was Jake an excellent student in high school, but he in sports as well؟ الشرح والتوضيح

The sentence fragment "Not only was Jake an excellent student in high school, but he in sports as well" seems to be incomplete and lacks the verb. However, based on the provided information, it can be inferred that the sentence is trying to convey that Jake excelled not only academically but also in sports during his time in high school.

To better complete the sentence, a verb is needed. Here's an example of how the sentence could be properly constructed:

"Not only was Jake an excellent student in high school, but he also excelled in sports as well."

This revised sentence conveys that Jake was not only a high-achieving student but also performed exceptionally well in sports.

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Not only was Jake an excellent student in high school, but he in sports as well؟

الجواب: prominent.

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سُئل أكتوبر 25، 2022 بواسطة musharaf
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